Captura de pantalla 2017-05-28 a las 1.30.36 a.m.

In PiCaSo Tours, Sustainability (which can be understood as the continuous effort to achieve a balance between the economic, socio-cultural and environmental dimensions of an activity) is a fundamental part of our values since as a tour operator, we are aware that we can generate both a positive and a negative impact on our environment. To work in this sense and act in coherence with the Acuerdo por la Sustentabilidad Turística del Estado de Guanajuato and the Año Internacional del Turismo Sustentable para el Desarrollo decreed by the UN, which should encourage a change in policies, business practices and consumer behavior to promote a more sustainable tourism sector, we have developed – in collaboration with two practitioners of the Bachelor of Tourism Management and Development of UTL, Isabel Hernández and Luz Torres – our Sustainable Tourism Policy, Code of Conduct for the Responsible Tourist and Responsible Purchasing Policy, which can be seen below:

On July 27, 2017, PiCaSo Tours received the prestigious international certification of sustainable tourism Biosphere Responsible Tourism, in the category “Tourist experiences”. This certification, endorsed by the GSTC (World Sustainable Tourism Council), allows to meet in a single standard requirements of quality, environment and socio-economic and cultural development, thus becoming an important added value for destinations, establishments and tourism products committed to development sustainable. Thus, PiCaSo Tours had to verify how, through its sustainable tourism policy, the configuration of its tourist experience, the training of its staff, its actions for the conservation of cultural heritage and natural resources, its participation in economic development and the local community, its good practices of environmental conservation and its policy of customer satisfaction in terms of quality of service, security and accessibility met the demanding requirements of the certification.


In addition, our staff is constantly trained on sustainability issues. PiCaSo Tours has developed its own sustainable performance self-assessment tool based on the GSTC international criteria for sustainable tourism for tour operators.

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